About Me

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TX, United States
My name is Michael Gonzalez. I am a moderate Democrat. My political experience is limited to voting. My biggest influence is my family, including my wife. I am taking this class because it is important to me to have a good understanding of our government and the factors that help to bring about change in our country. I hope this class teaches me more about politics, including lobbyists and other group influences. I unfortunately did not do well on either quiz; although I did do better on the current events quiz than the civics quiz. The civics quiz was definitely the harder of the two. The civics quiz asked questions that at times had me saying, “I have no clue.” When I am not doing government homework, I enjoy sports and spending time at home. I also enjoy my job in sales for AT&T.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wikileaks Controversy

After reading Jeffrey’s blog, I find myself reflecting on a couple of different points regarding the WikiLeaks issue.  First, I do not believe that the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has committed a terrorist crime by posting this information online.  However, I do not agree with Mr. Assange’s actions.  For example, I strongly believe that the leaked information endangers our security.  Yet, with this act—as reckless as it may be—Mr. Assange has avoided breaking the law.  In fact, he is protected under the First Amendment’s freedom of the press clause. If our government starts telling the press what can and cannot be printed—or worse yet—arresting journalists for acts of terrorism--the First Amendment, a shining American liberty, becomes null and void.

On the other hand, I do know of legal ways to hold Mr. Assange accountable for his actions.  For example, the people of the United States and other press outlets could simply boycott this website and any other business holdings Mr. Assange may have.  Additionally, to mitigate the risks to our national security, other media outlets may choose to avoid widely distributing this information. 

My final thoughts regarding this issue center on the person who did violate the law in obtaining this information, Army Private Bradley Manning.  As the article, Truth Consequences details, Mr. Manning is currently being held on charges related to this offense, and I support his prosecution 100%.  While Mr. Assange’s actions may be corrupt, they did not violate the law, while Mr. Manning’s clearly did.  He stole classified U.S. information, disclosed it, and disregarded his duty as a member of the military to safeguard the American people. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sarah Palin in the Spotlight Again

Sarah Palin has taken the political spotlight once again with her ill-fated remark regarding the U.S. being allies with North Korea during a recent interview with Glenn Beck.  Since this statement, Palin has tried to compare her verbal mistake to those of President Obama’s.  Her argument is that everyone makes mistakes and that the media just chooses to watch her like a hawk--capitalizing on any slip up she may have.

There are a few things that come to my mind when thinking about this so called “news-worthy” story.  First, Sarah Palin complains about the media scrutinizing her while she perpetually seeks out the media spotlight.  The media made Sarah Palin the star and best-selling author that she is today.  A Sarah Palin interview is good for ratings, and it also serves her ultimate purpose of self-promotion.  Secondly, Sarah Palin is beyond unqualified to be leading national conversations on foreign policy.  She is a half-term, former governor who never had one stamp on her passport until after she received the vice presidential nominee.  For her to compare herself to Obama is absolutely like comparing apples to oranges.  In some ways, Sarah Palin is hypocritical in the statements she makes about the news media and their coverage of her versus their coverage of Obama.

On the other hand, one point that Sarah Palin does make that I can agree with is that the news media sometimes fails to do its job.  These days, media outlets are so afraid to be branded “liberal” that they completely fail to point out the substantial short-comings of inexperienced Tea-Party reformers like Sarah Palin.  The news media’s job should be to dig deeper to inform the American public.  News organizations should focus less on the ratings-value of shocking sound bites like Sarah Palin’s most recent gaffe and more on helping the American public to make informed decisions.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I Stand With Demos Kratos

Upon reading Ms. Benedict’s blog, I can side with many of the view points made in her argument.  For example, I support the comment that Christine O’Donnell has grossly overestimated her ability to represent the constitution—which O’Donnell claims is the basis of her campaign.  Christine O’Donnell is not qualified to be a U.S. Senator.  Now that the election has passed, Ms. Benedict and I can take solace in the fact that O’Donnell’s loss to Democrat Chris Coons means that the people of Delaware agree with our assessment.  Ms. Benedict’s statement about the Tea Party movement splitting up the Republican Party is quite accurate. An article I read on the Huffington Post further illustrates how O’Donnell served to fracture the conservative base in Delaware.  In the article, a rising star of the GOP, New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie, criticizes O’Donnell’s strength in representing the Republican Party over that of her primary challenger, Mike Castle.  In my view, the fracturing of the Republican Party resulted in a good thing, because it ultimately led to O’Donnell’s downfall.  I believe this downfall was necessary, because O’Donnell has a frightening lack of knowledge.  If the Republicans want to regain the momentum in Delaware, they need to select less outlandish and more qualified candidates in the future.   

In conclusion, the people of Delaware, as I am sure Ms. Benedict would agree, have restored my confidence in the judgment of the American people’s ability to elect strong leaders.  Now, we must hope that the rest of the nation can continue this trend and vote for qualified, informed candidates who can back-up what they claim to stand for.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Christine O’ Donnell: A Constitutional Conservative?

              On Tuesday, the 19th, in a debate for a U.S. Senate seat in Delaware, something unpardonable happened.  During the debate between Democrat Chris Coons and Republican Christine O’Donnell, the topic of “separation of church and state” took center stage.  Through this exchange, Mrs. O’Donnell showed the world how uninformed she really is.  She repeatedly asked her opponent to show her where separation between church and state exists in the constitution.  With Mr. Coons being forced to point out the painfully obvious—that the principle is expressed in the First Amendment—the audience at Widener Law School could not help but laugh.  Most who know about our constitution are aware that the mandate for government not to interfere in freedom of religion comes from the First Amendment.  It might not say word-for-word, “separation between church and state,” but this has long been the interpretation—as originally stated by Thomas Jefferson himself.  What really gets me heated is that this so-called leader of the Tea Party movement claims to be a constitutional conservative.  How can someone say that about themselves and have a fundamental misunderstanding of our First Amendment?  This idea boggles my mind! It is one thing for Tea Partiers to claim to be constitutional conservatives, but they need to be able to back up this claim with actual knowledge of and actual support for the principles set fourth in our constitution. 
            In actuality, many Tea Partiers support policies based on religious beliefs that infringe upon the American freedoms granted by the constitution.  Additionally, many Tea Partiers support altering the constitution in the form of an amendment designed to promote bigotry and discrimination against gays and lesbians.  Finally, many Tea Partiers, including Christine O’Donnell, support repealing the 17th amendment of the constitution—while simultaneously touting the dangers of the deficit?!  How can these politicians claim to be constitutional conservatives when they want to bend the constitution every which way to support their whims?
            It scares me to know that there are people out there who may actually vote for someone like Christine O’Donnell, even after she has displayed such ignorance about the foundation of our country.  This is only one episode in a string of questionable statements and positions of Mrs. O’Donnell’s.  From her days of witchcraft to her misleading statements about her educational background, this candidate is not qualified enough, nor dignified enough, to represent our country as an elected official.  If Christine O’Donnell and other Tea Partiers are really the future of our national government, we should all be frightened.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Political Ads

            While browsing the Huffington Post, I happened to run across an interesting editorial written by Ron Howard, a well known and respected filmmaker, about campaign ads.  The article put an interesting spin on a hypothetical scenario: What if candidates running for office were required to follow a specific format when making political television advertisements?  What if the U.S. government required all candidates to run campaign ads that were identical to one another in format and basic content?  For example, there could hypothetically be a law requiring all candidates to stand behind the backdrop of the American flag while speaking directly to the people about the issues.  Mr. Howard believes this would give all candidates a level playing field and would lower the cost of campaign marketing. 
            While I can agree with Mr. Howard on the desire for a more level playing field, with less flash and more substance, I do not think his proposal is the most effective way to market political messages to the American public.  Although campaign ads today may be more about bashing one’s opponent than addressing the issues, one thing the advertisements are effective at is grabbing the attention of the American pubic.  I believe Ron Howard’s proposal would fail to accomplish this objective.  With political engagement declining, the last thing we need is for political ads to be less engaging and fail to gain the interest of the voter.  More importantly, this proposal interferes with a candidate’s constitutional right to freedom of speech.  While I do not believe candidates should be able to give false information in their ads, I think it un-American to dictate identical campaign ad requirements.   
            One point that I do agree with of Mr. Howard’s is that campaigning and political advertising should be less expensive.  Money should not be as big of a factor in a candidate’s success or failure as it is today.  A candidate’s success or failure should come down to the issues.  I would like to see more focus on the issues in both political advertising and in the minds of voters. 
            In conclusion, Mr. Howard is reaching out to an audience of political observers.  He is attempting to use his credibility as a filmmaker to comment on campaign advertising.  However, his thesis lacks evidence and falls short of persuasion.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Missed Goals

Poverty and infant mortality rates are important global issues that affect every nation around the world.  The editorial I read, entitled Missed Goals, discussed the progress the United Nations (UN) has made towards its goals of reducing global poverty by 50%, decreasing child mortality rates by 66%, and reducing maternal mortality rates by 75%.  These goals were set ten years ago by leaders of the UN’s wealthier nations.  Now, ten years later, the goals are no where close to being met by the 2015 deadline.  In fact, the aid given by the wealthier countries is far short of what was pledged. 
            Many believe the recession is to blame for the lag in financial donations.  While I see the truth in this statement, I agree with the author’s reasoning that the wealthier nations have not done enough to pursue these important goals. 
            The author is disheartened with President Obama’s stance on this issue during the recent United Nations meeting, in which he said little about affirming the United States’ commitment to meeting these goals by 2015.  Specifically, the author criticizes the administration’s emphasis on the non-legally-binding nature of the initial pledge.  However, the author points out some positives as well.  For example, the author paraphrases one of President Obama’s recent statements, which declared that, “the United States would still be a major donor but would put new emphasis on using all of its tools—including trade and export credits—to help poor countries get to the point where they don’t need assistance.”  This is an idea that the author supports.
            At the end of the editorial, the writer details how far away we actually are from reaching the stated goals.  For instance, child mortality rates have only dropped about 3% in recent years, while there has been almost no material change in the rate of maternal mortality.  These statistics help make the author’s argument more effective and drives home the point of how significantly these issues have fallen off the global radar.  I believe the author’s editorial could have been even more effective by describing the negative impact that we will all experience if these rates are not reduced by 2015.  This includes the economic impact high poverty and mortality rates have on all of us—as the economy is the number one issue for most of us these days.
            I do agree that the United States and other developed counties should do more to help.  However, I believe that the help can include more than just financial donations.  For example, education can help reduce global poverty and morality rates and can also help under-developed countries sustain any economic gains.  Further, I agree that these goals must remain a priority for the United States and many other developed countries.   I hope to see this issue gain more attention as the economy continues to improve.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Republicans Ride the Tea Party Tiger

With the November elections upcoming, the primaries are well underway. The Washington Post article I read, entitled “Republicans Ride the Tea Party Tiger,” was about a primary that ended in total surprise for the Republicans and the rest of the United States.  This is because, on Thursday in Delaware, an ultra-conservative named, Chistine O’Donnell, beat established, Republican candidate Michael Castle in the state’s primary election.   This is surprising, because the Republicans maintained a united front for many years during the Bush era.  However, a radical group, called the Tea Party, is now causing division within Republican ranks.  With Republican votes now being split between the Grand Old Party and the Tea Party, the Democratic Party in the state of Delaware believes they now have a better chance of a Democratic leader being re-elected to the U.S. Senate.  Being that I am a moderate Democrat, I am interested in monitoring this trend.  Will radical, right-wing, ultra conservatives be able to attract moderate and swing voters in a general election?  We shall see.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

About Me

My name is Michael Gonzalez. I am a moderate Democrat. My political experience is limited to voting. My biggest influence is my family, including my wife.

I am taking this class because it is important to me to have a good understanding of our government and the factors that help to bring about change in our country.

I hope this class teaches me more about politics, including lobbyists and other group influences.

I unfortunately did not do well on either quiz; although I did do better on the current events quiz than the civics quiz. The civics quiz was definitely the harder of the two. The civics quiz asked questions that at times had me saying, “I have no clue.”

When I am not doing government homework, I enjoy sports and spending time at home. I also enjoy my job in sales for AT&T.