About Me

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TX, United States
My name is Michael Gonzalez. I am a moderate Democrat. My political experience is limited to voting. My biggest influence is my family, including my wife. I am taking this class because it is important to me to have a good understanding of our government and the factors that help to bring about change in our country. I hope this class teaches me more about politics, including lobbyists and other group influences. I unfortunately did not do well on either quiz; although I did do better on the current events quiz than the civics quiz. The civics quiz was definitely the harder of the two. The civics quiz asked questions that at times had me saying, “I have no clue.” When I am not doing government homework, I enjoy sports and spending time at home. I also enjoy my job in sales for AT&T.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Republicans Ride the Tea Party Tiger

With the November elections upcoming, the primaries are well underway. The Washington Post article I read, entitled “Republicans Ride the Tea Party Tiger,” was about a primary that ended in total surprise for the Republicans and the rest of the United States.  This is because, on Thursday in Delaware, an ultra-conservative named, Chistine O’Donnell, beat established, Republican candidate Michael Castle in the state’s primary election.   This is surprising, because the Republicans maintained a united front for many years during the Bush era.  However, a radical group, called the Tea Party, is now causing division within Republican ranks.  With Republican votes now being split between the Grand Old Party and the Tea Party, the Democratic Party in the state of Delaware believes they now have a better chance of a Democratic leader being re-elected to the U.S. Senate.  Being that I am a moderate Democrat, I am interested in monitoring this trend.  Will radical, right-wing, ultra conservatives be able to attract moderate and swing voters in a general election?  We shall see.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

About Me

My name is Michael Gonzalez. I am a moderate Democrat. My political experience is limited to voting. My biggest influence is my family, including my wife.

I am taking this class because it is important to me to have a good understanding of our government and the factors that help to bring about change in our country.

I hope this class teaches me more about politics, including lobbyists and other group influences.

I unfortunately did not do well on either quiz; although I did do better on the current events quiz than the civics quiz. The civics quiz was definitely the harder of the two. The civics quiz asked questions that at times had me saying, “I have no clue.”

When I am not doing government homework, I enjoy sports and spending time at home. I also enjoy my job in sales for AT&T.