On Tuesday, the 19th, in a debate for a U.S. Senate seat in Delaware , something unpardonable happened. During the debate between Democrat Chris Coons and Republican Christine O’Donnell, the topic of “separation of church and state” took center stage. Through this exchange, Mrs. O’Donnell showed the world how uninformed she really is. She repeatedly asked her opponent to show her where separation between church and state exists in the constitution. With Mr. Coons being forced to point out the painfully obvious—that the principle is expressed in the First Amendment—the audience at Widener Law School could not help but laugh. Most who know about our constitution are aware that the mandate for government not to interfere in freedom of religion comes from the First Amendment. It might not say word-for-word, “separation between church and state,” but this has long been the interpretation—as originally stated by Thomas Jefferson himself. What really gets me heated is that this so-called leader of the Tea Party movement claims to be a constitutional conservative. How can someone say that about themselves and have a fundamental misunderstanding of our First Amendment? This idea boggles my mind! It is one thing for Tea Partiers to claim to be constitutional conservatives, but they need to be able to back up this claim with actual knowledge of and actual support for the principles set fourth in our constitution.
In actuality, many Tea Partiers support policies based on religious beliefs that infringe upon the American freedoms granted by the constitution. Additionally, many Tea Partiers support altering the constitution in the form of an amendment designed to promote bigotry and discrimination against gays and lesbians. Finally, many Tea Partiers, including Christine O’Donnell, support repealing the 17th amendment of the constitution—while simultaneously touting the dangers of the deficit?! How can these politicians claim to be constitutional conservatives when they want to bend the constitution every which way to support their whims?
It scares me to know that there are people out there who may actually vote for someone like Christine O’Donnell, even after she has displayed such ignorance about the foundation of our country. This is only one episode in a string of questionable statements and positions of Mrs. O’Donnell’s. From her days of witchcraft to her misleading statements about her educational background, this candidate is not qualified enough, nor dignified enough, to represent our country as an elected official. If Christine O’Donnell and other Tea Partiers are really the future of our national government, we should all be frightened.